Create New Widget

  1. install lego CLI by this guide

  2. create new widget template

    1. run the following command in the terminal:

    lego create
    1. select the widget type(select 3~6 for the widget type)

    2. enter the widget name

  3. write the widget code in the generated file(lib/widget_book/[widget]//.dart)

Add Assets

add any assets to the assets/lego/_new/ folder

  • note: always use relative paths for imports

Add Libraries

  1. add any libraries to this terminal command:

flutter pub add [library_name]
  1. add #@add to the library without a version number in the pubspec.yaml file.

# example
  cupertino_icons: #@add
  • this will automatically add your project's dependencies to the pubspec.yaml file when you add a new widget.

  • do not add the library that need initialization in the main.dart file.

Last updated